Showbox crew Union

Seattle's First Unionized Club Venue


We are the stagehands and technicians of the historic showbox venue in Downtown seattle and showbox sodo

What is your favorite concert you've ever seen? There's probably a few that come to mind, right? Without a crew of stagehands and technicians - those concerts don't happen. Those memories don't exist. Most of us got into these jobs because, like you, we loved going to shows and we wanted more. We wanted to be a part of creating those memories. We get to participate in the magic & history every night and we love it - but we're also struggling. We're constantly hustling to make sure we can pay our rent and eat a few meals. We don't get vacation time and accrue only the minimum sick time required by law. It's exhausting.

The Showbox venues are operated by AEG Presents. As the 2nd largest presenter of live music and events in the world...why are their workers struggling? That question is why we started organizing.

Our efforts started in October 2022 and we won our election to join IATSE Local 15 by a landslide in July 2023. Negotiations started in February 2024. 10 sessions and nearly a year later, we still do not have a contract.

What are we asking for?

Living Wages

Our base wage is currently more than $3/hour below the area living wage and is one of the lowest rates in the local industry. After 9 months of negotiation, AEG *finally* made their first wage-counter offer - a pitiful 2%. Our last wage increase was in March 2023.

Industry Standard Overtime

The live event industry has notoriously long days, often lasting 15+ hours. Most employers pay daily overtime after 8 or 10 hours, whereas AEG has opted to only pay daily overtime after 12 hours.

Job Classifications

Our workers have asked that job classifications be modified, and in some cases, new ones created to represent how the work is actually done, follow industry standards,  and minimize cross-departmental work tasks (e.g. lighting technicians doing video work).

Health & Pension Benefits

AEG has the opportunity to contribute to the Local 15 health & welfare fund and pension fund, but to-date has only agreed to do so if it comes out of the 2% increase they offered on wages.

AEG has made repeated comments that as part-time workers, they don't think we deserve basic benefits. This mindset ignores that this industry is made up of workers who work part-time for multiple employers, often working 40 or more hours a week in total. Without a contract and commitment from AEG, we are unable to tap into the benefits provided by Local 15 - benefits that are standard for full-time workers in most industries.

how can you support our efforts?

Wear our Merch

We've partnered with Worx - a USA Made, Union Co-Op Swag Shop to offer at-cost t-shirts, hoodies, and stickers. We love to see them out in the crowd at shows! Buy here!

Tell AEG to Bargain Fairly

Tell AEG that as a customer and supporter of Showbox, you are disappointed to hear that negotiations have dragged on for nearly a year, that they aren't paying all of their workers a living wage, and that they aren't complying with industry standard policies and benefits. Contact them here.

Talk about our Efforts

Talk about our efforts with your friends, tag us in posts on Instagram, encourage your favorite artists playing the Showbox venues to support us. Our Instagram is @showboxcrew